Our Partner

GlobalGiving seeks to identify nonprofits around the world, creating a central directory of nonprofits. They also aim to connect each nonprofit with the necessary resources, such as connecting them with donors or setting up crowdfunding options to help the nonprofit succeed.

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GlobalGiving connects with organizations based in the US and nonprofits in other countries to create a comprehensive directory of nonprofits. However, the process of finding and applying to GlobalGiving remains significantly easier within the United States. There has been a slower onboarding and discovery of GlobalGiving from other countries, and it is inefficient for GlobalGiving to take the time to scout each nonprofit independently.


We worked with GlobalGiving to build a scalable, easy-to-use command-line interface that crawls the web for promising nonprofit websites. We then scrape through the information provided on these sites and collect the relevant data. This new information allows GlobalGiving to be more proactive in expanding its nonprofit database.

Tech Stack

Python, Flask, MongoDB


Data Collection Through Scraping

Choose ten websites with directories of nonprofits and scrape each individual one to add to the database. Relevant data includes the organization’s name, country of registration, registration numbers, website URL, and email.

GlobalGiving Discovery Feature - Data Collection Through Scraping

Command Line Tool

Allows the user to see all available scripts, run them, and submit entries to the GlobalGiving database using the organization parser.

GlobalGiving Discovery Feature - Command Line Tool

Web Crawler

Crawls the web and Google searches to rank potential NGO directories.

GlobalGiving Discovery Feature - Web Crawler

Meet The Team

Aria Malkani Aria Malkani Tech Lead
Roy Chiu Roy Chiu Tech Lead
Alan Fang Alan Fang Software Developer
Alan Ren Alan Ren Software Developer
Aryn Harmon Aryn Harmon Software Developer
Pavani Malli Pavani Malli Software Developer
Skyler Shi Skyler Shi Software Developer